Master Painters Australia

Master Painters Australia is the peak industry body and is a non for profit association, set up 100 years ago but many of the state associations had already been in existance for many years, to represent the surface coating industry. Master Painters Australia protects both consumers and members, setting standards for business practice and delivering training to upskill members to ensure quality workmanship as well as allowing members access to information and inside tips of the trade. Master Painters Australia is represented by a Board delegate from each participating state.
Since the 2013 listing of waste architectural and decorative paints as a priority product under the Product Stewardship Act 2011, the National Paint Product Stewardship Implementation Working Group has been working to create a voluntary product stewardship program for waste paint.
Following the endorsement of the APMF Business Plan, at the recent Working Group Meeting, the APMF is now preparing to lodge an application for a Waste Paint Product Stewardship Scheme with the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC).
Download the APMF article PDF to read more
Paintback Trade Update
What you NEED to know about Paintback
- What is Paintback?
- How much will it cost?
- Where do I take my unwanted paint?
- Why can’t I take it back to my retailer or trade store?
- How do we access the sites when we live regionally?
- How much paint can I return?
Australian Architectural and Decorative Paints Sector Statistics
Architectural and Decorative Coatings (excluding Woodcare)
The Australian architectural and decorative paints sector had another challenging year. The residential housing market in Australia remained very soft throughout the period. Indeed, annual sale volumes, for trade sector paints, fell 4% to June 2013 to 78.6 million litres. The DIY residential market (retail sector paints) proved more resilient. Sales Volumes here went up by 4% to 51.8 million litres from June 2012 to June 2013. The percentage of architectural and decorative paints sold pre-GFC was split 35%/65% between retail and trade, whereas in 2012 the split was 40%/60%. Overall, a slight gain has occurred with retail over the 12 months, whereas trade sales have declined, by around 10%, since 2010.
Continue reading Australian Architectural and Decorative Paints Sector Statistics
COAG has made an announcement today regarding national licensing.
COAG noted that, following the outcome of extensive State-based consultation, the majority of States decided not to pursue the proposed National Occupational Licensing Scheme reform. Most jurisdictions identified a number of concerns with the proposed NOLS model and potential costs. States instead decided to investigate approaches that would increase labour mobility and deliver net benefits for businesses and governments.
To this end, States agreed to work together via the Council for the Australian Federation (CAF) to develop alternative options for minimising licensing impediments to improving labour mobility and to manage the orderly disestablishment of the National Occupation Licensing Authority from early 2014.
To read the full Communique via the NOLA website click here
INFORMATION DATA SHEET 007: Painting of Plasterboard and Backrolling
The Master Painters Australia recommends that when painting new plaster board a three coat system should apply as per the Industry Standard.
Selecting the right product and finish for the job at hand is one of the decisions a professional painting contractor has to make to obtain a quality finish and maximize the life of the surface coating for their clients.
Continue reading INFORMATION DATA SHEET 007: Painting of Plasterboard and Backrolling
One of the most common problems especially during warmer months is blistering of acrylic paint on exterior wooden surfaces.
A common scenario is when a painter decides to paint a dull but usually sound surface, he/she sands the surface and applies 2 coats (weathershield gloss), within days large blisters have begun to appear on the new paintwork – rising with the sun and diminishing at night. From a customer’s point of view, it’s easy to see why they blame the new coating for their problems. The painter has prepared the surface, properly followed the label instructions and now the customer has unsightly blisters all over their timber (what a disaster).
Let’s go back a few steps and look at why this may occur. At some stage the house was more than likely painted with enamel. Over the years this has become very hard and brittle and its lack of flexibility does two things:
Continue reading INFORMATION DATA SHEET 001: Blistering